
Caitlin Salt

I'm a Technical Principal at Scott Logic, based in our Bristol office. My interests are varied and wide-ranging, but I tend to specialise in .NET and cloud-hosted technologies. When I'm not at a keyboard, I get passionate about almost any sort of outdated and vintage machinery.
Pride is a celebration centred in the LGBTQ community, and many corporations use it to show their solidarity. This can sometimes feel more like a performative rainbow-washing stance than anything meaningful. At Scott Logic we try to ensure that, day to day, we are always carrying out meaningful actions to promote inclusivity, and to make sure all our colleagues and clients know we truly believe in this.
Data Engineering
Lots of businesses want to use AI, if they can find the right business case for it. We look at some new and enhanced AWS products which take a low-or-no-code approach to using AI to enhance Business Intelligence tools.
Regular expressions are very powerful, but something that many developers are wary of using—they have a reputation of being difficult to understand. If you appreciate their underlying principles, you can understand them better, and if your code takes advantage of this, you may be able to refactor them into a more readable form.
You may have heard of "Infrastructure as Code" - but have you heard of "Infrastructure as Code as a Service"? We wanted to reliably and routinely set up hardware on demand as and when we needed it; this was our approach.