This is part two to this post where I explain how I made this pure CSS calculator. Next up I made tictactoe, which isn’t in itself that interesting of an extension, but the challenge came in adding a CPU to play “randomly”. In this blog post I make a case for my sanity explain how I made it.


The only thing I wrote was HTML and CSS. No HAML or SCSS or any other pre-processors. The no JavaScript is enforced by testing the app with JavaScript disabled by the browser. You can view my full codebase here.

How did I make it?

Basic game logic

In my previous blog post, I’ve explained how we can use radio buttons and labels to create the effect of buttons and state. This is pretty much all we need for the basic game.

Start off by creating the inputs

  <input type="radio" id="X-1" name="1" />
  <input type="radio" id="X-2" name="2" />
  <!-- and so on for X-3 to X-9 -->
  <input type="radio" id="O-1" name="1" />
  <!-- and so on for O-2 to O-9 -->

Then each square of the game looks something like this

<div class="board-square board-square-1">
  <label for="O-1"></label>
  <label for="X-1"></label>
  <div class="symbol-X"></div>
  <div class="symbol-O"></div>

The first thing we need to do is ensure that the only label that can be clicked is the one corresponding to who’s turn it is. We do this with

  body:has(input[id^="X"]:checked ~ input[id^="X"]:checked),
  /* more selectors for 3, 4 and 5 Xs*/
    --has-x-just-played: 1;

  body:has(input[id^="O"]:checked ~ input[id^="O"]:checked),
  /* more selectors for 4 and 5 Os*/
    --has-x-just-played: 0;

  label[for^="O"] {
    transform: scale(var(--has-x-just-played));

The first 2 rulesets are used to set a variable based on how many X’s and O’s have been selected. The has operator is a relatively new one. It allows you select parents based on children or select previous siblings based on upcoming siblings. In this case, the variable --has-x-just-played is always applied to the body element, this allows us to avoid a lot of nesting and duplication of elements. The final ruleset hides any label connected to an O input when it is X’s turn, so that the only clickable label is for X.

The simplest bit of the CSS in this app is displaying the symbols, by default we set all symbols to display: none and then

  /* display logic */
  body:has(#X-1:checked) .board-square-1 .symbol-X,
  body:has(#X-2:checked) .board-square-2 .symbol-X,
  /* ... */
  body:has(#O-1:checked) .board-square-1 .symbol-O,
  /* ... */
      display: block;

This rule could be simplified by moving each pair of inputs to just before the corresponding square. That way the selectors could be made relative and only 2 would be needed. However I prefer to keep all inputs tightly together, this also makes the endgame logic slightly more concise. Which looks like this

body:has(input[id^="X"]:nth-of-type(3n-2):checked + input:checked + input:checked), /* rows */
body:has(input[id^="X"]:checked + * + * + input:checked + * + * + input[id^="X"]:checked), /* columns */
body:has(input#X-1:checked ~ input#X-5:checked ~ input#X-9:checked), /* top-left to bottom-right diagonal */
body:has(input#X-3:checked ~ input#X-5:checked ~ input#X-7:checked), /* top-right to bottom-left diagonal */
    --has-X-won: 1;

/* equivalent selectors for --has-O-won */

body:has(input:checked ~ input:checked ~ input:checked ~ input:checked ~ input:checked ~ input:checked ~ input:checked ~ input:checked ~ input:checked)
    --is-board-full: 1;

body {
  --is-game-over: max(var(--has-O-won), var(--has-X-won), var(--is-board-full));
  --is-game-on: calc(1 - var(--is-game-over));
  --has-drawn: calc(var(--is-game-over) - var(--has-X-won) - var(--has-O-won));
  --is-X-to-play: calc(var(--is-game-on)*(1 - var(--has-x-just-played)));
  --is-O-to-play: calc(var(--is-game-on)*var(--has-x-just-played));

Using the new variables --has-X-won, --has-O-won and --has-drawn we can display the result of the game. We can also change the O label scaling logic above to use --is-O-to-play and add an equivalent ruleset for X, so that the label become hidden when the game is over. A little bit of HTML and CSS is needed to move the squares into the right location, but there is nothing special there.


Now for the real fun part, how to create a sophisticated AI bot to play in an evenly distributed ‘random’ manner. For this we first create extra labels for all of the locations (for X and O). They will be placed behind a div that will act as a button. If we animate the labels and make them invisible, the user will not be able to know which label is currently under the button.

<div class="random-button-holder">
  <div class="button">
    <div class="X random">
        <label for="X-1"></label>
        <!-- And so on for X-2, X-3.... -->
    <!-- Repeat for "O random" -->

The CSS looks like

.random.O {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    height: calc(var(--button-height) * 9 * var(--is-O-to-play));
/* repeat for "X random" */

.random label {
    display: block;
    width: var(--button-width);
    flex-grow: 1;

.random-button-holder {
    height: var(--button-height);
    overflow: hidden;
    box-shadow: var(--box-shadow);

.button { height: var(--button-height); }

What we have is a “button” with the word Random. The labels are inaccessible due to the overflow: hidden. The height setting on .random.{LETTER} ensures that only the relevant labels are sized at any given time. Now to add some animation.

.random {
    animation: 0.1s linear 0s infinite normal moving-button;

@keyframes moving-button {
    from {
        transform: translateY(calc(-1 * var(--button-height)));
    to {
        transform: translateY(calc(var(--button-height) * -9));

The 0.1s duration means that it becomes difficult to predict where in the animation we are at. Here is a view of what it looks like currently. the translucent blue panels show the labels.

There are two problems with the current system. The first is that if you click down on a label, move your mouse to another label and then let go, neither label registers as clicked. The exact same thing occurs if the label moves away, which is very likely given how fast the animation is. The solution here is simple

.random:hover { animation-play-state: paused; }

The other problem is that not each block is equally likely to be clicked. If you watch the video carefully you’ll notice that the first and last labels spend less time covering the button. A hacky solution would be to make the first and last labels bigger. This would fix the problem on average, but this still means the top of the button would see the first label for longer than the bottom of the button. So instead, I added all the label again inside another div.

<!-- Inside <div class="random-button-holder"> -->
<div class="X random">
    <label for="X-1"></label>
    <!-- And so on for X-2, X-3.... -->
    <div class="final">
      <label for="X-1"></label>
      <!-- And so on for X-2, X-3.... -->
<!-- Repeat for "O random" -->
.final {
  flex-grow: 0;
  height: var(--button-height);

By tweaking the animation slightly, we can ensure that only the top label inside ever makes it to the button. This effectively means that whichever label is currently at the top (the lowest numbered available input) has an equivelent at the bottom. We have to ensure that the size of this div is fixed to the button height, because that is the exact amount that is “lost” under the old system. Another possible solution would have been to animate each section individually so it joins the end of the queue once it’s done, allowing each label to fully cross the button without ever leaving a gap. But this would throw complications when some buttons were pressed and the labels had to be removed.


If you’ve played the game you’ve probably noticed an audio easter egg. Before trying this I had thought that playing audio would require JavaScript to function, however the audio control works with JavaScript disabled at the browser level so I’m going to allow it.

The audio controls has many buttons (for volume, downloading etc). In order to only make the play button accessible, we first wrap it in a div and then apply the following CSS.

.div-around-audio {
    height: 30px;
    width: 30px;
    border-radius: 20px;
    overflow: hidden;

audio {
    position: absolute;
    top: -11px;
    left: -11px;

The key part is overflow: hidden; which ensures the overflow of the audio control (volume, scrub) cannot be interacted with, the rest of the values were determined by trial and error.

And then the play button can be made invisible or placed behind an element that has pointer-events: none;, which allows clicks to pass through it.

Calculator Extension

Since making the calculator, the has has been introduced, which allows selecting parents based on children. In the calculator this could be used to avoid the excessive nesting. I also added basic trigonometric functions, for this I followed the below steps

  1. Use integer division (see previous post) to create a modulo function and map the input to between 0 and 2π
  2. Use a bunch of maths and retries to map the input to a value between 0 and π/2
  3. Painfully implement the expansion series of trig functions
  4. Realise that while I’ve been playing around with this, trig functions have been added the CSS spec
  5. Question my life choices

Given the advances in the CSS spec to add trigonometric and other mathematical functions, writing a full scientific calculator within reach. While I have not yet attempted this, a possible limitation is that the CSS spec only asks browsers to support up to 20 terms in a calc, and while I haven’t seen this exact limit in action, the main browsers do give up after a certain amount of complexity.


When are you going to stop with this madness?

I currently have no plans to continue

Did you write this blog post just so you could say the words “Stochastic Boogaloo”?

No comment

Wrap up

While I was making these apps, there were many points at which I deemed something to be ‘impossible’. Things like functioning decimals; an evenly distributed ‘random’ selector; and functioning audio seemed out of scope for rules and format I had chosen. But because I had the freedom to stop and think about this with no deadline, I was able to overcome the challenges. When working with practical problems, we are faced with real-world pressures and time limits and this can often leave us with an incomplete view of the true power of the tech we work with. I encourage anyone with an interest to explore the limits of a technology and the power of their creativity. Maybe this will help you in your day to day job. However I wouldn’t suggest rewriting any of your webapps in CSS only any time soon.