This article describes an experiment I wanted to try for a long time: build my own DOM render library. Although React and other similar libraries are a clear inspiration, this is not an attempt to build a clone or describe their internals: there are so many texts discussing those subjects already. Instead, this is simply a personal reflection about what are the problems to solve and what solutions can be adopted. Anything written here may be incomplete or simply wrong :) The full source code can be found here and the commits order try to reflect the different parts discussed below.

Abstract the Document API

Component declarations have great benefits in terms of readability. Take this News component for example: we can quickly visualize how news translates to an HTML element.

function News({ news }) {
    const { content, image, updatedAt, url } = news;
    return (
        <a href="url">
            <span className="block">
                <img src={image.src} />

Now let’s suppose for a moment the function returns an actual element and translate the previous function into a raw implementation.

function News({ news }) {
    const { content, image, updatedAt, url } = news;

    const linkEl = document.createElement("a");
    linkEl.setAttribute("href", url);

    const blockEl = document.createElement("span");
    blockEl.className = "block";

    const updatedAtEl = document.createElement("span");

    const contentEl = document.createElement("span");

    const imageEl = document.createElement("image");
    imageEl.setAttribute("src", image.src);


    return linkEl;

Hopefully, we can identify a pattern to create elements without the verbosity. Some libraries already provided utilities more than 15 years ago and assuming we do not have to deal with old browser legacies, we can simply do the following.

function News({ news }) {
    const { content, image, updatedAt, url } = news;
    return el("a", { href: url },
        el("span", { class: "block" }, 
            el("span", null, t(updatedAt)),
            el("span", null, t(content)),
            el("img", { src: image.src })

function el(tagName, props, ...children) {
    props = props || {};
    children = children || [];
    if (Array.isArray(children[0])) {
        children = children[0];

    const element = document.createElement(tagName);
    Object.keys(props).forEach(key => element.setAttribute(key, props[key]));

    if (children.length > 0) {
        for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {

    return element;

function t(text) {
    return document.createTextNode(text);

And append the created elements into a host node.

function append(parentNode, fn, props) {
    const element = fn(props);

append(/* some host node */, News, /* some news */);
append(/* some host node */, News, /* some other news */);

Update the DOM

We now know how to create and append elements. But in an interactive web application we need to update their contents when their underlying model changes. Let’s start with a very naive approach and modify our append to return an update function that given new props replaces the appended element.

function append(parentNode, fn, props) {
    let element = fn(props);

    return function update(nextProps) {
        const nextNode = fn(nextProps);
        if (nextNode !== element) {
            parentNode.replaceChild(nextNode, element);
            element = nextNode;

// given some news 
// create an element
// and append it to a host node
const update = append(/* some host node */, News, /* some news */);

// when the news changes update the element
update(/* updated news */);

Prevent unnecessary updates

If you tried to run the demo at this point you would notice an undesired behaviour: update always replaces the previous element with a new one, even when the new props have not changed. Something we definitely want to avoid. This is where some libraries compute a virtual DOM, compare it with the current DOM and decide whether or not to update the element and how to do it. Because eventually in the browser platform the bottleneck is the reflow phase.
We are not going to implement a virtual DOM or use an existing implementation. Instead we are just going to compare the previous props with the next ones and decide whether the function to create a new element should be invoked at all.

The problem now is how can we keep track of the previous state of an element and maintain a similar straightforward API (append, el and t) ?

After trying various approaches I came to the same conclusion as other libraries. We need a cache to store the elements created and the props passed to create those elements. Every time we call el instead of directly creating an element we need to:

  • lookup the cache
  • if cache miss create an element
  • otherwise compare the previous props with the next props
  • if the next props indicate a need to update then create a new element
  • otherwise keep the previous element
  • store the next props and element in the cache
  • return the element currently stored in the cache

In order to leverage the cache we need to modify the el function. Rather than returning an element we can return a function. This function would take a cache instance as argument and invoke its bound lookup function with the new props, children and a function which wraps the previous el to create the new element.

function el(tagName, props, ...children) {
    props = props || {};
    children = children || [];
    if (Array.isArray(children[0])) {
        children = children[0];

    return cache => {
        const childrenNodes = => child(cache));
        return cache.lookup(props, childrenNodes, () => createEl(tagName, props, childrenNodes));

We can update our append function to create a cache, inject it in the call to el at the root of the elements hierarchy, and flush the cache once the element is appended before any call to update (we will shortly see the details of lookup and flush). For any update we can apply the same mechanism: inject the cache in the call to el, replace the element if necessary and flush the cache when done.

function append(parentNode, fn, props) {
    const cache = new Cache();
    let element = cache.lookup(props, undefined, () => fn(props)(cache));

    return function update(nextProps) {
        const nextNode = cache.lookup(nextProps, undefined, () => fn(nextProps)(cache));
        if (nextNode !== element) {
            parentNode.replaceChild(nextNode, element);
            element = nextNode;

This may sound a little obscure but in fact it is quite rudimentary: when the append creates a new Cache two arrays of previous and next entries are created, both empty - an entry is an object representing an element and its state. The lookup and flush functions are bound to these entries when called with the cache context and can now be used to perform operations on those specific entries.

class Cache {

    constructor() {
        this.previous = []; = [];

Here is a reminder of the News component passed to the append function.

function News({ news }) {
    const { content, image, updatedAt, url } = news;
    return el("a", { href: url },
        el("span", { class: "block" }, 
            el("span", null, t(updatedAt)),
            el("span", null, t(content)),
            el("img", { src: image.src })

When append creates the cache for this component, we consider all the el and t calls (the a root, the various span and the img) as declarations of elements to be stored in the component’s cache. Hence the component will store the elements and states of its direct children and of all the nested children (more on this in the next paragraph).

We can now look at the lookup and flush functions in detail. Let’s start with flush as it’s the easiest. All it does is move the next entries in the previous ones and empty the previous entries.

    flush() {
        this.previous =; = [];

It is invoked only when a component is fully resolved and all its nested children are in a stable state. The component is now ready to receive new props and start a new update cycle again.

The lookup function is at the core of the logic. It inspects the cache passed as context by the caller. The cache contains an array of previous entries and next entries. Each entry contains an element, the props and children used to create it and a flag indicating if the element should update. The lookup function inspects the previous and next entries to decide if the current element needs to be updated or not, and updates the cache accordingly. To understand this function it is important to recall the signature of the function el used to create an element: el(tagName, props, children). When calling el the children (if any) have been already resolved, which means the lookup calls to resolve those children have already been made. The purpose of the update flag is to allow a child to indicate to its parent whether it has been updated or not. If it has updated then the parent needs to update because only one update is made per component, at the component’s root level. If none of the children have updated then the next props are compared to the previous ones. For now by compare we mean shallow equal. Once all this is done we update the cache entry for the current element. If an update is needed we create a new element and return it otherwise we return the previous element.

    lookup(props, children = [], createFn) {
        const previousEntry = || {};
        const nextChildren =, children);
        const shouldUpdate = nextChildren.shouldUpdate || shouldSelfUpdate(props, previousEntry.props || {});
        const element = shouldUpdate ? createFn() : previousEntry.element;{
            children: nextChildren.entries,
        return element;        

With this implementation in place let’s write a few tests to check the rendering is done when necessary and avoided otherwise. The tests are written with Jest which ships with jsdom and simulates a DOM environment.

import * as component from "../src/component";

describe("append", () => {

    function Div({ width, height }) {
        return component.el("div", { width, height });

    let hostNode;
    let update;
    let elSpy;

    beforeEach(() => {
        hostNode = document.createElement("div");
        elSpy = jest.spyOn(component, "el")
        update = component.append(hostNode, Div, { width: 100, height: 200 });

    it("when props change update replaces the element", () => {
        update({ width: 100, height: 300 });

    it("when props do not change update does not replace the element", () => {
        update({ width: 100, height: 200 });

If we run the tests we can see both pass. Our code is now able to skip any DOM manipulation when not necessary !

Introducing components

Our code is too simplistic at the moment. An essential feature we need to introduce is the ability to declare components as children. So far we have our News component with nested el and t declarations. Suppose we want to declare a list of news. Let’s introduce a c function in order to declare a component within another component declaration.

function NewsList({ list }) {
    const [one, two] = list;
    return el("ul", null, 
        c(News, { news: one }),
        c(News, { news: two }),

We are also going to change the cache mechanism and create one cache per component instead of a single cache at the root level. Consider these declarations of news and news list.

function News({ news }) {
    const { content, image, updatedAt, url } = news;
    if (url) {
        return el("a", { href: url },
            el("span", { class: "block" }, 
                el("span", null, t(updatedAt)),
                el("span", null, t(content)),
                el("img", { src: image.src })
    return null;

function NewsList({ list }) {
    const [one, two] = list;
    return el("ul", null, 
        el("li", null, 
                ? c(News, { news: one })
                : null,
        el("li", null, 
            c(News, { news: two })

Expanding all the possible combinations of elements can become quite difficult, as each component entries should be the union of all the possible children entries, and this mechanism would be applied recursively to all the children. Instead, if we have one cache per component and each component creates entries for the elements it declares, things become much easier to reason about.

Our c function will be straightforward. It does not support children for now and look similar to el.

function c(fn, props) {
    props = props || {};

    return cache => {
        return cache.lookup(true, props, undefined, componentCache => fn(props)(componentCache));

First of all notice how the lookup signature has changed: we are passing a boolean flag as first argument indicating whether lookup is performed on a component or an element. For now we need to get things done and this seem to be a very quick and easy way, but we will probably need to refactor later on because such flag indicate brittle code and as we will see shortly we will need an if test in the lookup to make use of the flag. In fact this refactoring could well be another article on its own depending on how we design it: we could for example add a build step for the components and the whole lookup logic would be completely changed and optimized. Second, the last argument of the lookup signature is now a function with a cache as first argument, whereas el does not have any argument. This cache is the one currently consumed by the existing component instance which needs to be replaced. It is passed to be able to decide whether a child of this component should be replaced or not.

Next we need to modify is the Cache module. Each component will store its own set of entries to keep track of its children and those entries need to be passed from one instance of component to the one replacing it (in case a replacement is necessary) in order to avoid any unnecessary children replacement. By modifying the Cache constructor to accept optional entries as argument we can pass previous entries to a new instance.

    constructor(entries = { previous: [], next: [] }) {
        this.previous = entries.previous; =;

The flush function needs to be updated. For now we are only going to call flush from the root level and recursively flush all components with entries. Again, this will be subject of refactoring and we don’t need to overthink at this early stage.

    flush() {
            .filter(entry => 'entries' in entry)
            .forEach(entry =>;

        this.previous =; = [];

Finally, the lookup function needs to take into account when it is called for an element or for a component. When called for a component it needs to store an entries property representing all the children entries. And if the component should update it has to create a new cache from the previous entries, create an element with the new cache and store both the new element and the new cache entries.

    lookup(isComponent, props, children, createFn) {
        // ...
        // same code as before to inspect the previous entries and create a 
        // next entry
        // ...

        if (isComponent) {
            if (shouldUpdate) {
                const cache = new Cache(previousEntry.entries);
                nextEntry.element = createFn(cache);
                nextEntry.entries = cache.entries();
            } else {
                nextEntry.element = previousEntry.element;
                nextEntry.entries = previousEntry.entries;
        } else {
            nextEntry.element = shouldUpdate ? createFn() : previousEntry.element;

        // ...
        // same code as before to store the next entry and return the element
        // ...    

A few tests can prove our nested components are preventing unnecessary renderings.

import * as component from "../src/component";

function Div({ width, height }) {
    return component.el("div", { width, height });

function Section({ items }) {
    const [one, two] = items;
    return component.el("section", null,
        component.c(Div, one),
        component.c(Div, two)

describe("c", () => {

    let hostNode;
    let update;
    let elSpy;

    const one = { width: 100, height: 200 };
    const two = { width: 300, height: 400 };

    beforeEach(() => {
        hostNode = document.createElement("div");
        elSpy = jest.spyOn(component, "el");
        update = component.append(hostNode, Section, { items: [one, two] });

    it("pass down props changes", () => {
        update({ items: [one, { width: 300, height: 500 }] });
            `<section>` +
            `<div width="100" height="200"></div>` +
            `<div width="300" height="500"></div>` +

    it("update only when props change", () => {
        update({ items: [one, { width: 300, height: 500 }] });


        expect(elSpy.mock.calls[1][1]).toEqual({ width: 300, height: 500 });

This is what we want to achieve. We are able to nest components and we can prevent renderings which should not happen !

Final thoughts

DOM manipulation is difficult. What was described here is a small attempt to automate such a hard task and take out the verbosity of the DOM API. But this is only the beginning. Let aside this code should be refactored (perhaps completely and improved), we are now facing other challenges.

  • We are only supporting a fixed amount of children: what about collections ?
  • How can we modify the props comparison logic to allow different criteria than the default one, which is a shallow compare ?
  • How can we introduce some nice syntax like JSX ? Does it need to be a rewrite of the available transformations ? Because we have c, el, and t and perhaps more helper function, we cannot rely on modifying the pragma option.
  • Can we optimize lookups by introducing a build step ?
  • Can we leverage this build step to add checks about the components we are declaring ? For example by restricting the possible tag names and props to the HTML and SVG namespaces ?
  • it is probably worth having a look at how other libraries perform component compilation and code transformation.

This is only the minimal amount of effort necessary to create a credible library, and yet there are still lots to do.

  • What about server-side rendering ?
  • Contents and html sanitizing ?
  • Event handling ?

To name a few…