The number of frustrating decisions in Flex's charting API is minimal, but high up on my list is a strange decision that prevents developers from accessing information that is frequently desirable for custom data tips in stacked area, bar and column charts.
Silverlight is moving fast. Really fast.
When I first encountered WPF I was really impressed by its styling and templating features which are more powerful than anything else I had previously seen for desktop software development.
The ability to allow a user to save a Flex chart, or in fact any Flex UI component, as an image has popped up on my radar several times over the last few years.
In my previous post I demonstrated how an the WPF ElementName style binding can be emulated with Silverlight via an attached behaviour.
As a relative newcomer to Silverlight I was happily greeted by the warm feeling of familiarity when I started developing.
OK, the title of this blog post is not very snappy, but it is not an easy problem to describe in a few short words.
This blog post describes how to add a location crosshair to your Silverlight charts.
Over the weekend Sacha published a new article on codeproject, Total View Validation (does Sacha ever sleep?).
In my recent codeproject article on the DataGrid I described a number of techniques for handling the updates to DataTables which are bound to the grid.
I have answered a few forum posts about the WPF transforms recently, mostly regarding confusion between RenderTransform and LayoutTransform.
The WPF DataGrid is a very flexible tool, however in its current state certain simple tasks can prove to be rather tricky.
In a recent post on his blog Josh Smith described a technique for providing more meaningful error messages when the type conversion process fails within the binding framework.
In my opinion the lack of decent design-time tool support is currently hampering the adoption of WPF, that and the relatively small number of controls available to the developer out-of-the-box.