The .NET Task Parallel Library is a great advance in parallel programming for the .NET framework.
The Web Workers API is currently a draft HTML5 specification which defines an API for running JavaScript in a background thread. In this series of blog posts I am going to investigate the practical use of Web Workers.
I've recently been developing a web project using the Struts2 framework. A problem that came up during development was validation.
In the first two parts I looked at different ways of performing dom manipulation tasks like adding rows to a table and sorting rows in a table.
This blog post presents a few performance measurements that detail the relative performance of ItemsControl, ListBox and manual addition of elements to the UI. These performance measurements are also compared when ran on the emulator and the real hardware.
This blog post describes how to re-template the Silverlight ProgressBar control to render a circular progress indicator. This approach uses an attached view model to circumnavigate some of the limitations of the ProgressBar design.
This post introduces the Presentation Model (or MVVM) architectural pattern as one approach for creating "better" large-scale Flex applications.
Both WPF and Silverlight have a property TextTrimming="WordEllipsis", which trims the text that a TextBlock displays based on the available width.
This blog post describes a simple content control that can be used to defer the rendering of its contents in order to provide a better user experience on Windows Phone 7.
In this blog post I will describe the creation of a simple range selector UserControl, which can be used alongside a Visiblox chart to create an interactive navigator for time series data.
This blog post presents a Windows Phone 7 Jump List control that I have developed.This post describes the API in detail and includes full sourcecode. Feel free to use and enjoy!
A few weeks ago I blogged about a Twitter / Bing Maps mashup that I had created for tracking snowfall in the UK via the #uksnow twitter hashtag.
A few weeks ago I created a Silverlight version of the #uksnow Twitter mashup, which plots twitter users snow reports on a UK map.
Silverlight 4 added TextTrimming="WordEllipsis", which trims the text that a TextBlock displays based on the available width. This blog post describes a simple method for automatically showing the full text as a tooltip whenever the text is trimmed. This is presented as an attached behaviour.
This post details a jQuery plugin which animates updates to HTML tables representing rankings.
It's Christmas Eve and time for some fun! A few weeks back I published an article on Reactive Extensions where I created a Bing Maps / Twitter mashup that plotted the geolocation of #uksnow twitter tags.
I was reading an article on CSS 3 transitions that was very interesting, but as I was reading, it seemed like the feature was designed for CSS designers - the primary example was animating an effect on hover.
This post goes through an implementation a SortedList in Java which ensures its elements are kept in order and guarantees O(log(n)) run time for all the basic operations.
The WPF / Silverlight syntax is long and cumbersome. This blog post describe a simple attached property that allows you to specify row and column widths / heights as a simple comma separated list, e.g. RowDefinitions="Auto,,3*,,,,2*"